Death Rate Rising Two New Deaths
Dubuque County COVID-19
Cases Oct. 6th, 2020
Cases last 24hrs.
From 10 10 a.m.
The data is reflected in the time it's obtained from IDPH. Not all news agencies reporting data obtain the data at the same time it's posted, so there may be a slight difference in data and it changes throughout the day.
Tested; To Date
Dates 10-6 10-5 Tested 31544 - 31,449
Test last 24hrs. 95
Positives: To Date.
Dates: Oct. 10-6 10-5 Positive case. 3756-3731
= Positive cases 24hrs 25
Test positive rate 11.90%
Test positive rate last 24hrs 26.42%
Iowa CIVID-19 Tracker data
The rolling positive rate as of October 5th 26.64%
Iowa's COVID-19 trackers 14 date rate is higher than the state’s reported 14-day positivity rate due to the IDPH not counting recent confirmed cases until all data is received, such as the date of birth of the testes. This practice drives down the positivity rate, even though those cases have been confirmed in a specific county.
IDPH 14- day Rolling posited rate for schools 15%
Negative cases 27,728
Dates:.Oct 10-6. 10-5
2263 - 2223
= Total Recovered: Recovered last 24hrs: 40
People Infected:
Dates. Oct 4th
Total infections 1,447
The infection rate of 1.49%
This is people presently have it and infection rate.
Dubuque Community Schools Present Case Count.
Students 16 Staff 2 as of Oct 5th
Dubuque Schools now have cases.
Holy Family Schools report no cases
Deaths: 46 two new deaths.
Case fatality rate.
Hospitalized: 19 as of 10-3 2:30 p.m.
Please wear a mask and follow all CDC Guidelines. Deaths are increasing in our county and so are cases. If everyone pitches in we can bring the numbers down.
For more data.