Monday, November 9, 2020

Deer Causes Accident

Gary Griebel, 71, of Bellevue, Iowa  was driving eastbound on US 20w and Main Street Road in rural East Dubuque when deer entered the roadway. Gary attempted to miss the deer striking it causing severe front end damage. A passenger identified as Jeans Griebel age 71 of Bellevue, Iowa suffered injuries to her hand and was transported to Finley Hospital Dubuque, Iowa.

Sunday, November 8, 2020

Jo Daviess County COVID News

November 8th 2020
Positive Cases 676 increase of 27
Deaths 11
Recovered 514
Tested 8586

Saturday, November 7, 2020

Jo Daviess County COVID Data 11-7-2020

 676 positive

+27 new positives today

Active cases

Recovered cases

Fatal cases

Press Release

Court House Press Release 

Friday, November 6, 2020

Nov 5th

Positive cases 628. 11 new cases 
Deaths 11
Recovered 514
Tested 8435

Thursday, November 5, 2020

Nov 4th 2020

Confirmed 617 13 new cases
Deaths 10
Recovered 473
Tested 8406

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

November 3rd Data

Positive 604. 8 new cases
Deaths 10 one new death 
Recovered 460
Tested 8,260

Tuesday, November 3, 2020


Nov 2nd Data 
Confirmed cases 596
Recovered 462
Deaths 10
Tested 8154

Monday, November 2, 2020

COVID -19 Data

Jo Daivees COVID Data
Sunday, November 1st data at 3:30 pm

Tested 8100
Positive 584, 28 new positives 
Recovered 446
Deaths 9

Saturday, October 31, 2020

Oct 30, 2020 Covid

Tested 7689
Positive 556
Recovered 446
Deaths 9

Friday, October 30, 2020

COVID-19 Data

Oct 29th
Tested 7807
Positive 545 (9 new positives) 
Recovered 438
Deaths 9 

Thursday, October 29, 2020

Jo Daviees COVID Data

Tested 7745
Positive 536 up 16
Recovered 422
Deaths 9

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Jo Daivees COVID - 19 Data Oct 27

Tested  7694
Positive 520 10 new positive cases
Recovered 397
Deaths 9 two new deaths.

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Jo Daivees COVID Data as of Oct 26

Tested 7550
Positive 510 increase of 12 
Recovered 386
Deaths 7

Monday, October 26, 2020

COVID Data Sunday Oct 25th

Tested 7365
Positive (498 )12 new positives
Recovery(d 368
Deaths 7

Saturday, October 24, 2020

Friday, October 23, 2020

COVID-19 Data Jo Daivees County Oct 22nd data

Tested 6991
Positive 466 increase of 20
Recovered 363
Deaths 7

Thursday, October 22, 2020

Jo Daivees COVID Data Oct 21st

Tested 6941
Positive 446 up 12 
Recovered 363 
Deaths 7

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Two More Deaths In Jo Daivees County

Tested 6913
Positive 434 increase of 11
Recovered 355
Deaths 7

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Jo Daivees County Data Monday Oct 19

Tested 6859
Positive423 increase of 7
Recovered 346

Monday, October 19, 2020

Friday, October 16, 2020

Jo Daviees County COVID-19 Data

Tested 6,455
Positive 377 increase of 5 cases
Recovered 313
Deaths 3 one new death

Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Jo Daviees COViD Data Oct.12

Tested.   6284
Positive.   360 3 new cases
Recovery 285
Deaths 2

Sunday, October 11, 2020

Jo Daviess County COVID -19 Cases

10 10 2020

Tested 6038
Positive 333 increase of 5 cases
Recovered 285
Died 2

Saturday, October 10, 2020

Jo Daviess County COVID-19 Data

Friday, Oct 10th

Tested 5974
Positive 328 increase of 11
Recovered 285
Deaths 2

Friday, October 9, 2020

Jo Daviess County COVID-19 Data Oct.8th, 2020

Tested 5902
Postive cases 317
Positive rate .54%
Recoverd 281
Deaths 2

Infected 34
Infection rate .16

Thursday, October 8, 2020

Jo Daviess County COVID-19 Data for Wednesday October 7th.

Tested 5880 
Postives 310 
Deaths 2
Recovered 275.
Positive rate .53%
Infections 34. Infections rate .15%

Postive by city .
Apple River 16 , East Dubuque, 71;         Elizabeth, 22; Hanover, 19  Galena, 83; Scales Mound, 11; Warren, 26; Stockton,49

Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Jo Daviess County COVID-19 Data For Monday Oct 5th 2020

Tested 5775
Postive 303 3 new positive cases 
Recovered 263
Deaths 2 

Positive Rate .55%
Infections 38
Infection rate.18

Two More Deaths In Dubuque County

Death Rate Rising Two New Deaths

Dubuque County COVID-19
Cases Oct. 6th, 2020 
Cases last 24hrs.
From 10 10 a.m.

The data is reflected in the time it's obtained from IDPH. Not all news agencies reporting data obtain the data at the same time it's posted, so there may be a slight difference in data and it changes throughout the day.
Tested; To Date
Dates    10-6        10-5                         Tested 31544  - 31,449 
Test last 24hrs. 95

 Positives: To Date.
Dates:   Oct.    10-6   10-5          Positive case.  3756-3731 
= Positive cases 24hrs  25
Test positive rate  11.90%
Test positive rate last 24hrs 26.42%

Iowa CIVID-19 Tracker data
The rolling positive rate  as of October 5th 26.64%

Iowa's COVID-19 trackers 14 date rate is higher than the state’s reported 14-day positivity rate due to the IDPH not counting recent confirmed cases until all data is received, such as the date of birth of the testes. This practice drives down the positivity rate, even though those cases have been confirmed in a specific county. 

IDPH 14- day Rolling posited rate for schools 15%

Negative cases 27,728

Dates:.Oct   10-6. 10-5 
                      2263  - 2223 
= Total Recovered: Recovered last 24hrs: 40

People Infected:
Dates. Oct 4th
Total infections 1,447
 The infection rate of 1.49%
This is people presently have it and infection rate.

Dubuque Community Schools  Present Case Count.  

Students 16 Staff 2 as of Oct 5th
Dubuque Schools now have  cases. 

Holy Family Schools report no cases 

Deaths: 46 two new deaths.
Case fatality rate.

Hospitalized: 19 as of 10-3 2:30 p.m.

Please wear a mask and follow all CDC Guidelines. Deaths are increasing in our county and so are cases. If everyone pitches in we can bring the numbers down.  

For more data.

Monday, October 5, 2020

Jo Daviess County COVID-19 Data For October 4th 2020. Sunday

Postive Cases...  300 2 new cases 
Recoverd Cases.. 251
Deaths .............  2

Postive Rate is .52%
Infection Rate is .23%

Wednesday, September 30, 2020

COVID 19 Data Jo Daviess County , Oct 3rd ,2020

Jo Daviess County as of Saturday  now has 297 positives cases to date a increase of 11 and 2 Deaths. 5717 tested. Positive rate to .52% date  Recovered 251 increase of 2.

Infections = 44
Infection rate .19%

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

New Coalition Forms to Oppose Elimination of Cash BailI includes labor, law enforcement groups

New Coalition Forms to Oppose Elimination of Cash Bail
Includes labor, law enforcement groups

Springfield, Ill.— A new coalition of law enforcement organizations formed today to oppose efforts in the General Assembly to end cash bail. Throughout this year’s legislative session, the Coalition for Public Safety will speak with a unified and strong voice on this and other criminal justice issues.“The Coalition unequivocally and unanimously oppose eliminating cash bail. Elimination is not the way to make the criminal justice system more equitable, and it is not the way to make our communities safer, ” said Jim Kaitschuk, executive director of the Illinois Sheriffs’ Association. “As the General Assembly debates other law enforcement issues this year, the Coalition will speak with one voice on how it can best help first responders and keep our communities safe.” Founding members of the Coalition include Illinois Sheriffs’ Association, Illinois Fraternal Order of Police, Illinois Fraternal Order of Police Labor Council, Chicago Lodge 7 Fraternal Order of Police, Illinois Police Benevolent and Protective Association, Illinois Association of Chiefs of Police. This session, there has been a renewed push in the General Assembly to follow other states that have recently eliminated cash bail, despite the dangerous incidents that have occurred. Just days after New York ended cash bail, there was a rash of individuals who were arrested. While they were let out awaiting trial, they committed significant crimes again like murder. Since then, crime numbers are up nearly 17 percent.
“There’s a reason doctors don’t regulate pilots and pilots don’t regulate lawyers,” said 
Sean Smoot, Director and Chief Legal Counsel for PB & PA of Illinois. “Our organizations are on the front lines of the criminal justice system and when issues affecting that system come under consideration we should be involved and at the table.” 
“When the safety of the citizens we spend our careers protecting is put in danger due to failed experimental criminal justice reform initiatives, such as the recent bail reform experiments, it becomes our responsibility to step up. We have to let the public know that their basic civil rights are perceived to be not as important as the civil rights of those who are arrested for having committed criminal acts,” said Kevin Graham, President, Chicago Lodge 7 Fraternal Order of Police. Ed Wojcicki, the Executive Director for the Illinois Association of Chiefs of Police said: “We are very concerned that the voices of victims of crimes are going to be set aside, and that many innocent victims who had the courage to call the police will have to live in fear of offenders being set free and committing more crimes. We have to stand with the victims of crimes.”Cash bail is a layer of protection for law-abiding citizens, but it's also an effective way to keep police from having to chase down the same offenders multiple times," said Illinois Fraternal Order of Police State Lodge President Chris Southwood. "Budget cuts have stretched police forces to the limit. So why are we even seriously considering a proposal that adds unnecessary, dangerous duplication to an officer's daily shift?”One of the most dangerous duties law enforcement officers face is going after bail jumpers because those people have graphically demonstrated that they have no respect for our system of laws that protect the public," said Illinois Fraternal Order of Police Labor Council Executive Director Shawn Roselieb. "Why would anyone want to make a cop's job more difficult or dangerous than it t already is?

Thursday, February 20, 2020

Hanover Man Arrested

On 02/17/20 at approximately 10:02 pm, Jo Daviess County Sheriff’s Deputies were dispatched to Hanover, IL for a domestic 
situation involving a person with an active warrant. While searching for the individual Officers checked the Hangover Tap 
in Hanover where they spoke to Gary L. Pettera who was bartending. Pettera stated he knew the wanted individual and that he was not at the bar. Pettera stated he had been at the bar for an hour and had not seen the individual. The Officers 
discovered the wanted individual was seated in the bar in plain sight of Pettera. Pettera was arrested for Obstructing a 
Peace Officer and searched during the arrest. Officers located several prescription pills classified as a controlled substance that Pettera admitted he did not have a prescription for. Pettera was transported to the Jo Daviess County Jail. This case is under further investigation.